Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Typical fails in the development of IoT devices

Team members do not communicate with each other. Engineers do not communicate with designers and vice versa. For example, in a device with air quality monitoring, the body paint was changed to a more resistant one → VOC sensors react to the so-called outgassing and show overestimated data.

The team overestimates its capabilities and does not try to outsource expertise without being aware of the assessment of financial and human resources.

In pursuit of certain goals, the team forgets about UX and the needs of end users.

The product is made for nobody or "connected because it's so fashionable". For example, smart salt and egg shakers create more problems than they solve.

The device is not future-proof, that is, OTA mechanisms (updating over the air, on-the-air) are not worked out, there are not enough resources for major updates. In this context, I am always amused by the promises of cloud or IoT companies that promise lifetime service. It is not clear whose life cycle they mean: the life of the end user, the business activity of their company, or the work of the API?

The device does not work or does not work properly without a network connection.

The device does not work without the cloud.

The device stops working if there is a problem with partners (library/module, API, cloud service).

The main criteria for IoT as a system of systems

An IoT product has its own characteristics:

The absence of a single product owner or responsible for the entire system.

Increased requirements for the usefulness / value of the device - the device must necessarily add value. No one is going to pay for a device or service subscription if:

  • The device or service is not working properly;
  • Does not add value to the life or work of the user;
  • Makes the user constantly think and take care of the device;
  • Does not look organic in the daily life of the user.

The complexity, the cost of an error and the dependence on all related systems have been increased many times over compared to other electronics. For example, if the built-in gyroscope sensor in the devkit does not work properly, then at the output we get incorrect information about the position of the product in space.

Increased security requirements + numerous industry requirements and standards. The Russian market is not heavily regulated, while in the West there are tons of all sorts of standards - this is especially applicable to IIoT (Industrial IoT).


Representatives of different areas are involved in the development, from computer engineers to UX engineers, it is necessary to be friends with different teams.

Typical fails in the development of IoT devices

Team members do not communicate with each other. Engineers do not communicate with designers and vice versa. For example, in a device with a...